
From 19:00 on 5th February , the New Year’s Online TUS Alumni Association National Chapter Liaison Meeting was held using Zoom. A total of 47 officers from all over Japan participated in the meeting. After the President’s address and general explanation, the meeting was divided into five blocks: (1) Hokkaido / Tohoku (2) Kanto (3) Ko-shin-etsu / Hokuriku / Tokai (4) Cyugoku / Shikoku (5) Kyushu / Okinawa, and then reported on the branch activities under COVID-19. Afterwards, the participants were randomly divided into the breakout-rooms, and the status update were reported freely.

A get-together was held from 20:00. While introducing local sake, they talked more about the recent topics. Even after the second party was over, the conversation was endless, and it was a remarkable success. First, I am surprised that I could participate in such a large-scale nationwide meeting, and I am grateful for the environment in which I was placed. In addition, we were very moved by the words of Tokyo Section Chair Ueki, who said, “We can feel the whole country right next to you.” What we could not do before was cultivated and changed steadily with COVID-19 as an opportunity, and it was truly a moment when I felt that the present was important.

In the current situation where it is difficult to hold face-to-face meetings, the online style was once again very meaningful. We have gradually accustomed to it, so that have come to feel like a normal conference room. We have gradually accustomed to it, so that have come to feel like a normal conference room. Although there were some systematic problems, it is expected that it will be used more actively in the future.


2月5日19:00より、東京理科大学 理窓会新年オンライン全国支部連絡会がZoomにて開催されました。全国から総勢47名の役員の方々が参加され会議が行われました。会長挨拶・全体説明の後①北海道・東北②関東③甲信越・北陸・東海④中国・四国⑤九州・沖縄の5ブロックに分かれコロナ禍での支部活動について報告がなされました。その後アットランダムにブレイクアウトルームに分かれ自由に近況報告などが行われました。




